Finding a place to live and unpacking boxes is only one aspect of moving. The equally important aspect for you, your husband/wife and your children is settling down socially.
In your home country you have just left your social network and your familiar surroundings, your children were happy in childcare and the older ones were integrated in kindergarten and school. We from reloKIDS want to assist you in establishing these connections in this new part of your life.
This is what we offer:
- Workshops for individuals: in a 2,5-hour orientation workshop we offer practical information that will make day-to-day life easier in the first months after your arrival. Please click here for additional information.
- Workshops for companies: the topics are the same as above, but we are open to include other important points. We will hold the workshop at a time and place convenient for you. You offer your employees this workshop, we give them a head start. Please contact us directly for more information and an individual offer.
- Individual packages: this is a tailor-made service based on your specific needs and questions which we will look into beforehand. Please click here for additional information.
- Newsletter: keep up to date with our tip of the month. Activities, upcoming events and other interesting topics will keep you informed. Please register here for this complementary service.